Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First day of spring semester 2010

It is the first day of school in spring, 2010. It snowed like hell last week so there was already enough snow on the roads, and on top of that it snowed like freakin' hell's kitchen today. It was like mad chef Gorden Ramsay pouring wheat flour from the sky saying "You're fucking horrible!" and it was just blowing everywhere which indeed was, fucking horrible. People are always talking about the weather since I hear it is very unusual to snow this much in Denmark. They say this winter is like the coldest one with heaviest snow in 23 years or something. How lucky am I. :D ........................

So yea, my first class, which was already in the second session since I missed the real first one due to the break down of the system, was pretty nice, except that I had no idea when they were talking about this group project thing. Fortunately there were like 20 other people who were as lost as I was and we all had to rush down to the professor like mad herd of stampeding wild animals in Pampas. Total chaos. Everyone asking same question to the professor, and looking left and right to see if they have any reliable person to ask this question. Luckily I had this very kind person who told me that they are doing some case study competition in groups, and the group that has the best case study will be awarded with something. Also I found out it wasn't anything like compulsary, but since I just want to participate anyway... I signed my name and now I have to wait until my group is assigned. Whoa... that was like.....crazy shit. Yea, this is what happens if you miss your first session of the class.

So after running and saving my life from the stampede in the little Pampas, I went to meet a girl from Korea University, who I got introduced by former exchange student from same university. She is a nice person, and we talked for about half an hour, and I gave her direction to all the good places to eat near her dorm because that's where I lived last semester. It is an ultra-modern student residence called Tietgen Kollegiet. Then I came home by bus since I couldn't walk outside due to the shocking snowstorm. It was even more shocking when I freakin' saw a women running in this snowstorm, enduring the snow that slaps your face. Right in my face. It acutally hurts. I was just glad that I didn't take my bike. whoa that would be crazy. Winter in Denmark seems to be a harsh one this year. I'm just hoping that it pays off during summer with nice weather. :)

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