Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A walk, and Bang & Jensen Cafe

I went for a walk since the weather was sooo nice. It was January 30th. After the soul-sucking heavy snowfall that slapped my face, it was finally a sunny, bright day. Not really cold as well. 1 degree. Slightly windy but a very pleasant wind that makes you sing and excited. Anywho, I just grabbed my camera, and left my house. Today, I just wanted to go for a walk towards Istedgade, the hidden place of Copenhagen that not many people know.

Clear sky, and my lovely apartment :D
Frederiksberg. It is an interesting part of Copenhagen where I live. It is a very wealthy part of the city, (although I am not one of them :( ... ) and they have different zip code for each street, whereas other parts of the city have one number for the whole area. For example, my street Kochsvej is 1812, and the next street is 1813, then the next one is 1814 and so on. My housemate Signe and Andreas told me the reason why they made it like that but I forgot it... Maybe I should ask them. :) It was something about them making it as an independent district to pay less tax or something... anywho!

I walked towards Vesterbrogade, and turned towards Istedgade. I went through a tiny road that looked like it connects to nowhere, but it had some interesting grafiti works on apartment walls.

Another grafiti thingy. And from here I just walked and walked to Istedgade, and went into this place called 'Bang & Jensen'. It is a cafe on Istedgade, and is recommended by some other sightseeing blogs and websites as one of the local's favorite places. Last time I went there it was full of people and couldn't find any seat, so I had to go somewhere else, but this time, luckily I had one. JEAHHHH

This is where you order. Prices are okay.

The lady is making a coffee for me. I ordered a latte. It was very soft, well blended and nice. :)

I love when the pictures in frames are hung on a wall like this. It gives more variety and energy to the space. Today it looks even cooler with the sunlight pouring in. Someday I want to have my own room decorated like that with some stuffs that I drew. It's just a small dream of mine.

mmm I think that candlestick is really classic. I want it.

It was a very cozy place to just sit down and enjoy the coffee, and read. I didn't bring my sketch book with me, so couldn't really do anything fun. But I took a lot of pictures instead. Bang & Jensen is my suggestion also, if you want to just go and hang out, talk for hours and relax. It is a very cozy place, and even has some pinball machines for your entertainment. :)

The last picture I took in the cafe. Love her smile. Then I went out, and checked out this small park between the Istedgade and Vesterbrogade.

Something about this building and the wall draws my attention. It's old and new parts are well mixed together to create this unique sense. Blue paints add more fun, and it is a strong contrast with the yellow. Also, this time of the day was really good for this picture. See how it vividly shines on the wall, and making some nice shadows of balconies.

Connection of the two worlds

I am now heading back to my apartment. It is Vesterbrogade again.

One post on the poll just caught my attention. 'Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit'. This is the good thing about taking pictures. You get to pay more attention and look closely on every subjects you face while you walk, which otherwise would have been missed. As you look more into daily life, people, and stuffs you pass by everyday, it is actually very interesting and all of them have their own beauty. More and more stories are discovered, more things to compliment, and appriciate. Writing blog and taking pictures, drawing... all of these are what makes my life more interesting and fun these days.

I am seriously considering a photography lesson or something to take good pictures. Also when I go back to Korea, I want to learn how to do oil painting. Those are one of my goals for 2010.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed the short walk! It's very late at night (2:38am) and I've got two classes tomorrow... so better go to bed. :) Nighty night everyone.

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