Sunday, February 7, 2010

First time drawing a person

My very first time drawing a human being. It is sooooooo difficult. First it looked as if it turned out okay, but as I look into it later I see more things to fix and improve. You need a lot of practice and time to get used to the facial structure and expression. I will practice often, and post it up so I can see how it goes. Maybe one day I will see this again and feel embarrased. lol That is, of course if I get any better. hehe
But the thing is, it is actually fun to draw people. Eyes, faces, skin, wrinkles... But on top of that, capturing the traits of people's face is the hardest thing. If you miss just a bit, for instance if you put eyes even a millimeter away from each other, it looks quite different from the actual person.
I need some time to study more. But it is such a fun thing to study. :)

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