Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lighting up Copenhagen

I have been in Copenhagen, Denmark for 5 months now. I'm here as an exchange student, studying business. I am from South Korea, and I go to university in Japan called Waseda. It's a bit complicated, but most importantly, I'm in Copenhagen now so don't get confused. :)

Alright, after turning to 2010, I suddenly realized that the previous 4 months just passed without doing anything special in this wonderful city. It's a pity isn't it. All I did was just go to school, go back to my dorm, sleep, go to friends' house... that was it. It was not a boring life. I had my hands full still... However, after a while I thought that maybe since I came all the way here to Denmark, I should enjoy the life here as much as I could. So that is why, I am here to say that I am beggining this project, or just a small travel around the local people's favorite places.

Sometimes I look up for information in sites such as 'Copenhagen Unlike', and sometimes it's just a random discovery. Oh well,who cares how I found it... I am here to walk you through all the authentic and cozy places, like bars, galleries, cafes, and etc. It is my very personal opinions and since it is nothing like an official review of the places, I hope you are not expecting that much out of it. :)

I already have my Korean blog, and it has already like 6 or 7 places that I have been to. If you just feel like going and see the pictures, you are always welcome to come and just have a look. They will be in english version here sooner or later.

Unfortunately, I start school today... and I might not be able to post things as often as I did during the vacation. School is such a soul-sucking terrible place to be... (jk.. I like my school. lol)

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the blog. :D

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